Export finance can benefit your company by anticipating the funds due to you by your international clients.

When this cash migrates from your trade cycle into your cash flow, to be used for working capital and day-to-day cash management, the results can be very good.

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You have a great retail product but is having difficulties to sell it in the European Union, US and South America.

Or perhaps the sales performance of your product is not the best in those markets. We can help you.

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You want no pain with your supply or sales delivery logistics? We can help you.

Logistics can be and usually is a pain. Why spend your time and human resources on logistics when you can have them working to grow your sales?

“Read more in our website”

Strategic Sourcing the best Products & Services at the best value. Quality. Cost savings.

Business efficiency drives everything you do from day-to-day operations to financial results. At Aksert, we understand that, and our experienced associates give you access to new procurement practices and supply chain efficiency.

“Read more in our website”

NutraVibe Nutraceutical Innovation

100% natural herbal extracts & excipients
Unique & innovative Tropical Forest active ingredients
First bio certified nutraceuticals in the EU market

Download below the Nutravibe Project Pitch

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    In order to have a certain degree of information traceability, private emails like gmail, yahoo and the like are not accepted. Please contact business@aksert.com for any clarifications.

    Régia Douro Park Tecnologia 2
    5000-033 Andrães • Portugal

    For invoicing and billing

    Private emails like gmail, yahoo and the like are not accepted.