Export finance can benefit your company by anticipating the funds due to you by your international clients.

When this cash migrates from your trade cycle into your cash flow, to be used for working capital and day-to-day cash management, the results can be very good.

“Read more in our website”

You have a great retail product but is having difficulties to sell it in the European Union, US and South America.

Or perhaps the sales performance of your product is not the best in those markets. We can help you.

“Read more in our website”

You want no pain with your supply or sales delivery logistics? We can help you.

Logistics can be and usually is a pain. Why spend your time and human resources on logistics when you can have them working to grow your sales?

“Read more in our website”

Strategic Sourcing the best Products & Services at the best value. Quality. Cost savings.

Business efficiency drives everything you do from day-to-day operations to financial results. At Aksert, we understand that, and our experienced associates give you access to new procurement practices and supply chain efficiency.

“Read more in our website”

Social Responsibility

Social responsibility is a critical part of each business today not only because our customers expect it, but because we want to make a difference

Aksert Social Responsibility

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

Aksert is glad to be part of the World Community Grid, sponsored by IBM. The World Community Grid contributes with computing power to support humanitarian and scientific research across the globe. Researchers from prestigious learning and research centers like Harvard, Berkeley, Scrips Research Institute, Chiba Cancer Center in Japan, FIOCRUZBrazil, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - CNRS France, MDC for Molecular Medicin in Berlin, to name a few, have their scientific calculations done in months, when without the World Community Grid these same computing would take decades.

The massive computer processing power from the World Community Grid impulses prestigious universities and scientific institutions to develop their research in the fields of health, medicine and energy, seeking solutions to society’s challenges, saving human lives and improving standards of living.

Aksert believes that social responsibility is more than a nice promise. We commit to improving your business but we also believe in putting action behind our promise. By integrating social responsibility into our daily operations, we cooperate to solve some of the challenging issues we all face to improve life quality.

Aksert encourage our associates and clients to join the World Community Grid, as part of the Aksert team, by simply downloading and installing a free and small software program on your computer.

If you already are registered in the World Community Grid and want to join the Aksert Team, please click here and click in the Join Team button. If you are not registered at the World Community Grid, please, follow these three quick steps:

  1. Click here and on top of the page, click on Join and register with your email.
  2. Then click here to login, download and install the World Community Grid software.
  3. After the World Community Grid software install, click here and click in the Join Team button.

Get in touch with support@aksert.com if you need help joining us at the World Community Grid.

Régia Douro Parque Tecnologia
5000-033 Andrães • Portugal

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